JLab trip to Gelfand Center’s Fall 2015 Saturday Series
November 21st, 2015 By reejaOur group had a fun time attending the Gelfand Center’s saturday series classes for K-9 students from local schools. We were particularly inspired and even learned to assemble robotic insects in BUG-BOTS. This experience will help us when we launch our class during the Spring 2016 Saturday Series. Stay tuned for more details, but for now here is the course announcement:
ENERGY FROM EVERYDAY THINGS, Grades 5-7 DATE: January 23, 2016
Many of the things we use every day can be used to help generate clean energy. Did you know that you can trap sunlight and generate energy from blackberry juice? Did you know that you can run a car on water? No? Then come and experience two amazing projects designed in the laboratory of Carnegie Mellon University Professor Reeja Jayan. Maybe, what you have for a snack while reading this paragraph can help power our future? Sign up at the link below: